Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Love - wonderful feeling

Don’t know from where to start, now a days I am so busy in my life. There are so many problems in my life for which I don’t have any solution. I am just waiting for the right time when all things will clear out.

I don’t know why people fall in love. Love gives so much pain and misery. It gives such a wonderful feeling that cannot be described in words. It touches your heart in such a special way. It makes you realize what a special person you are.... and how much you mean to the other person you love! You will never hurt the feeling of the other person. When you are in love so many things are understood unspoken!

Love brings so much happiness in your life. It’s so wonderful when you are with the person you love. You cherish those moments throughout your life; remember those moments when he/she is not with you. Some people take love differently, I can’t say why...
Every moment you have spend with your love always fresh in your mind like a wonderful moments.

I think “love” is the most wonderful and precious made my God. Everybody understands the language of love be it an animal, bird or human being. Think a moment for an animal who can neither speak nor understand your language, but it can understand that you care for him, that’s why when you go away he runs after you.

I think life would be so difficult without love. Imagine if a mother doesn’t love her child, how life would be! Life is a waste without love.

The other aspect of love is that you are selfless in love. You never demand anything from the other person because true love never demands. I have always seen that in true love, one of the person has to make sacrifice. I believe true love is something wherein a person can make sacrifices without any complain.

I really wish if you love someone truly, God will help you to achieve your love!


  1. You seem to be a very good person @heart. Kamal is lucky to have you :)

  2. Very Nice Blog dear
    Thise all post is your thoughts ?

    vipul chauhan

  3. I want to ask if any girls love you truly. she can demand any thing?

    I like these lines...I think if I am in love with a some one I will never demand anything.

    "The other aspect of love is that you are selfless in love. You never demand anything from the other person because true love never demands. I have always seen that in true love, one of the person has to make sacrifice. I believe true love is something wherein a person can make sacrifices without any complain."

  4. thanks atul ya i think if someone in love she will never demands because if u really love someone she will never fell something is missing in life.you will give u r 100 % in love good luck
